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Chromium is a popular open source web browser created and maintained by Google. The Chromium codebase also used for multiple other browsers such as:

  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera
  • Brave

Artemis supports parsing the list of artifacts below:

  • History
  • Downloads
  • Cookies
  • Autofill
  • Bookmarks
  • Login Data
  • Extensions
  • Preferences
  • Detect Incidental Party State (DIPS)

You have to use the artemis api in order to collect:

  • Cookies
  • Autofill
  • Bookmarks
  • Login Data
  • Extensions
  • Preferences
  • Detect Incidental Party State (DIPS)

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a SQLITE database


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "chromium_macos"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "chromium-history"

artifact_name = "chromium-downloads"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Sample API Script

import {
} from "";

function main() {
const results = getChromiumCookies(PlatformType.Darwin);

const books = getChromiumBookmarks(PlatformType.Darwin);
const fill = getChromiumAutifill(PlatformType.Darwin);

Output Structure

An array of ChromiumHistory for history data and ChromiumDownloads for downloads data per user.

export interface ChromiumHistory {
/**Array of history entries */
history: RawChromiumHistory[];
/**Path associated with the history file */
path: string;
/**User associated with the history file */
user: string;

* An interface representing the Chromium SQLITE tables: `urls` and `visits`
export interface RawChromiumHistory {
/**Row ID value */
id: number;
/**Page URL */
url: string;
/**Page title */
title: string;
/**Page visit count */
visit_count: number;
/**Typed count value */
typed_count: number;
/**Last visit time */
last_visit_time: string;
/**Hiden value */
hidden: number;
/**Visits ID value */
visits_id: number;
/**From visit value */
from_visit: number;
/**Transition value */
transition: number;
/**Segment ID value */
segment_id: number;
/**Visit duration value */
visit_duration: number;
/**Opener visit value */
opener_visit: number;

export interface ChromiumDownloads {
/**Array of downloads entries */
downloads: RawChromiumDownloads[];
/**Path associated with the downloads file */
path: string;
/**User associated with the downloads file */
user: string;

* An interface representing the Chromium SQLITE tables: `downloads` and `downloads_url_chains`
export interface RawChromiumDownloads {
/**Row ID */
id: number;
/**GUID for download */
guid: string;
/**Path to download */
current_path: string;
/**Target path to download */
target_path: string;
/**Download start time */
start_time: string;
/**Bytes downloaded */
received_bytes: number;
/**Total bytes downloaded */
total_bytes: number;
/**State value */
state: number;
/**Danger type value */
danger_type: number;
/**Interrupt reaason value */
interrupt_reason: number;
/**Raw byte hash value */
hash: number[];
/**Download end time */
end_time: string;
/**Opened value */
opened: number;
/**Last access time */
last_access_time: string;
/**Transient value */
transient: number;
/**Referer URL */
referrer: string;
/**Download source URL */
site_url: string;
/**Tabl URL */
tab_url: string;
/**Tab referrer URL */
tab_referrer_url: string;
/**HTTP method used */
http_method: string;
/**By ext ID value */
by_ext_id: string;
/**By ext name value */
by_ext_name: string;
/**Etag value */
etag: string;
/**Last modified time */
last_modified: string;
/**MIME type value */
mime_type: string;
/**Original mime type value */
original_mime_type: string;
/**Downloads URL chain ID value */
downloads_url_chain_id: number;
/**Chain index value */
chain_index: number;
/**URL for download */
url: string;

export interface ChromiumCookies {
creation: number;
host_key: string;
top_frame_site_key: string;
name: string;
value: string;
/**This value is currently Base64 encoded */
encrypted_value: string;
path: string;
expires: string;
is_secure: boolean;
is_httponly: boolean;
last_access: string;
has_expires: boolean;
is_persistent: boolean;
priority: number;
samesite: number;
source_scheme: number;
source_port: number;
is_same_party: number;
last_update: string;
db_path: string;

export interface ChromiumAutofill {
name?: string;
value?: string;
value_lower?: string;
date_created: string;
date_last_used: string;
/**Default is 1 */
count: number;
db_path: string;

export interface ChromiumBookmarks {
bookmark_bar: ChromiumBookmarkChildren[];
other: ChromiumBookmarkChildren[];
synced: ChromiumBookmarkChildren[];
path: string;

export interface ChromiumBookmarkChildren {
date_added: string;
date_last_used: string;
guid: string;
id: number;
name: string;
type: string;
url: string;
meta_info: Record<string, string>;

export interface ChromiumLogins {
origin_url: string;
action_url?: string;
username_element?: string;
username_value?: string;
password_element?: string;
password_value?: string;
submit_element?: string;
signon_realm: string;
date_created: string;
blacklisted_by_user: number;
scheme: number;
password_type?: number;
times_used?: number;
form_data?: string;
display_name?: string;
icon_url?: string;
federation_url?: string;
skip_zero_click?: number;
generation_upload_status?: number;
possible_username_pairs?: string;
id: number;
date_last_used: string;
moving_blocked_for?: string;
date_password_modified: string;
sender_email?: string;
sender_name?: string;
date_received?: string;
sharing_notification_display: number;
keychain_identifier?: string;
sender_profile_image_url?: string;
db_path: string;

* Detect Incidental Party State (DIPS) collects metrics on websites
export interface Dips {
site: string;
first_site_storage?: string | null;
last_site_storage?: string | null;
first_user_interaction?: string | null;
last_user_interaction?: string | null;
first_stateful_bounce?: string | null;
last_stateful_bounce?: string | null;
first_bounce?: string | null;
last_bounce?: string | null;
first_web_authn_assertion: string | null;
last_web_authn_assertion: string | null;
/**Path to DIPS database */
path: string;